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October 09, 2009

Basic Definitions

Algorithms: A series of instructions or steps for the solution of problem in a simple structured language.

Animations:- It is a kind of diagram with each one differing slightly as the movement proceeds.

Application Software: -They are general purpose software. Application Software is used to perform specific tasks. Such as spread sheets for the calculation purpose, word processor for the documentation purpose etc.
Assembler: A language-translation program that translates assembly-language code into machine language code.
Actuators:- Hardware devices, such as motors, which react according to signals given to them by the computer. For e.g. an actuator motor can be used to open a window in a greenhouse when it gets too hot.

Alpha Numeric Character: -a type of data that contains a combination of alphabets and numbers.

Archiving: It means placing important computer files in a safe place so that they can be found easily if needed.
Analogue Computers: Analogue computers are used to process physical quantities that have infinite number of values such as temperature, pressure, position, etc। Analogue computers are quite rare and mainly use for control of processes in factories and some forms of modeling.

Barcode Reader:- A barcode is a set of parallel printed lines of different thickness which represent a number to form a code.. They are read by a special device called barcode reader. It is commonly used for library system, luggage-handling system at airport.

Batch processing: batch processing is used when a particular job needs to be done in one go rather than in a number of parts. All the relevant data is collected and processed together. The main advantage with batch processing is that the computer operator can load the data in only one operation, regardless of the amount of data. The batch processing is used in payroll systems, the production of gas / electricity bills etc.
Buffer:- A special storage area where data is stored temporarily, often to compensate for difference in speed. Usually found in peripheral devices such as printer, keyboard etc

Buffer:-The speed of data transfer of a device connected may be different to that of the computer; usually a special storage area called a buffer is used to hold data temporarily to compensate for any difference in speeds. E.g. a buffer in a printer is used to hold the queue of printing jobs sent by the user(s).

Broad Cast Tagging:- The broadcast system allows one police force to send urgent information to other police forces.

Byte: -A block of 8 bits is called a byte. The amount of memory needed to store one character, such as letter or a number.
Command-driven user interface: with a command-driven user interface, the user just has to type in an instruction, which is usually abbreviated, in order to get something done. This type of user interface is usually found in hand held communication devices such as cell phones.
Compiler:- A language translator program that translates a high level language into machine code in one go. After compilation two files are produced one is .LST or .ERR (contains list of errors) and another is .Exe file (used to run the program)

Computer Aided Design (CAD): -It is a use of computer to help in the drawing of designs from which objects are going to be constructed or manufactured. In CAD the computer is involved in all the stages from design to manufacture.

Computer Aided Manufacturing: It describes the use of computers to assist in the manufacturing of components and products. They act on given instructions that have been programmed into them. They are being used in knitting and embroidering processes, car industries, engineering processes etc.
Computer-Aided Learning (CAL): it is a process of using computers for the instruction, training or testing of learners. Features available in Computer-Aided Learning packages are:
· Tutorials
· Drill and practice
· Simulation
· Games
· Tests
Computers in Education:
· As a teaching aid in many different subjects
· To access the internet to get information on almost any subject
· In monitoring progress and testing pupils
· For electronic mailing systems, both inside the school and to communicate with other schools or organizations
· To assist in administration
· For career advice, or helping to find a place in a college or university

Control Signals:- These include signals sent out by the main processor to the printer to tell it to ready to receive some data.

Check Digits:- When the large number of data is input there is a chance of error. To avoid these errors an additional digit is usually included, placed at the end of the original number. This additional digit is called a check digit and is calculated from the other Can be use to validate the ISBN.

Data:- Raw facts and figures are called data. It is information in the form which computer can understand. Facts and figures often have little meaning until they are sorted or calculated; this sorting or calculation is called data processing, which later produces information.

Data Signals:- These are the group of binary digits that are used to represent characters.

Data Capture: Getting the information into a structure in which it can be processed by the computer is called the data capture. Data can be captured by using various devices such as MICR, OMR, OCR, barcode readers, voice recognition etc.
Database: A database is an organized collection of information or data. Eg. The collection of all the students record can be organized in a file so the different file processes can be performed.
Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs): DFDs are used to consider the data without bothering about the equipment used to store it and are used as a first step in describing the system. Box, sausage, open rectangle, and arrows are used to design DFDs.
Data Integrity: it is concerned with the correctness of the data. Validation and verification checks are performed on data to ensure its integrity.
Data Logging: a data logging system automatically collects data over a certain period of time. Weather forecasting is the common application which uses data logging.
Digital Computers: digital computers like to be given their information in the form of numbers (i-e Binary digits). All information has to be turned into groups of binary digits. Digital watch, barcode, data stored on a magnetic disk, and the traffic light sequence are the common examples of digital data.
Digital Data:- It is a discrete data which is understood by a computer in a form of binary numbers.
De-skilling: The de-skilling brought about through the replacement of skilled and semi-skilled labour by microprocessor-controlled systems in manufacturing
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI): It is method of speeding up the transfer of orders, it is also used by companies to link them with their banks so that they can make immediate payments to their suppliers electronically.
Electronic mail: It refers to any mail or messages transmitted electronically by computers using communications channels.
Electronic Funds Transfer(EFT):- The method of data communication that involves the transfer of money between accounts over a communication channel where no paper cash transactions are involved.
Electronic Funds Transfer at Point-of-Sale terminal (EFTPOS): It is a method commonly used by superstore and markets to transfer money from customers’ credit/debit card company’s account directly to the superstores bank account.
Encryption: Files which contain sensitive data are encrypted, that makes impossible for the important data to be read without using the decoder, if the file is stolen. It is also used when important data has to be transmitted from one place to another. The data is coded before being sent and then encoded at the other end.
Expert System: - A type of computer software package that specializes in one area or application, to help human to make a decision or solve a problem.
Expert systems: An expert system is a computer program, which is capable of emulating human reasoning. It does this by combining the knowledge of human experts on a given subject, and then following rules that it has been given to draw inferences. To the use the system the user sits at a terminal and answers questions posed by the computer, which eventually reaches a diagnosis and will also tell the user how it has reached the particular conclusion.
Expert systems are programs that mimic the intelligence of a human expert in a specific field of knowledge. For instance an expert system could be set up to give medical advice.
Expert Builders:- It is a package that enables user to construct logical diagrams based on the knowledge provided.
Electronic Scabbing: An electronic scabbing, when computer networks are used to transfer work from a striking workforce to a non-striking one.
Fact Finding: It is concerned with finding about the existing system. Different methods are used in fact finding such as interviewing, observation, questionnaire and document inspection.
Feasibility Study: it involves to look at the chances of being able to solve a particular problem at a reasonable cost. It includes the description of system, preliminary design, alternative designs, cost /benefit analysis and then conclusion is made.

Field:- A field is an area of a record reserved for one particular piece of data. Each field contains one or possibly more, data roll number, name, age can be the possible field names of a student database.

Flowcharts: a system flowchart is a diagram which gives an overall view of a system. It shows the processes that are performed on the data, such as sorting or updating, the storage media such as magnetic disk or tape etc.

File Directory: It is a type of directory in which certain files are kept.

File Generation: -Every time a file is updated; a new generation of the file is produce. The latest one called a son and previous one becomes father and the older one becomes the grand-father file.
Gateway: it translates the protocols between computers sot that different computers are able to communicate with each other.
Giga byte: It is a largest measuring unit to measure the storage capacity of storage devices and the data stored on this. 1024 Mega Bytes (MB) makes one Giga Byte (GB)
Graph plotters: They enable accurate line diagrams to be produced on paper. They are ideal for plans, maps, line diagrams and three-dimensional drawings.
Graphical User Interface: GUI provides a way for the user to communicate with the computer through pictures (icons) and pull down menus. Microsoft Windows is an example of GUI.
Grandfather-father-son principle: The three generations of files are kept the older master file is called the grandfather file and it is kept with its transaction file. These two files are used to produce a new master file called the father file which, with its transaction file, is used to create the son file. The process is repeated and the son file becomes the father and the father becomes grandfather and so on. Using the grandfather-father-son principle it is possible to recreate the master file if it is lost.
Handshakes: It is the exchange of signals which establishes the communication between the devices. For example a microprocessor sends some signals (control signals) to check the availability of the printer before sending the data signals that carry a document user has sent for the printing.
Hierarchical Network: it’s a type of network where two or more servers exist to provide several network facilities such as file server, printer server, application server, message server, database server etc.
High Level Languages (HLL): They are English like programming languages used to develop programs that are used in problem solving. BASIC, HTML, COBOL, C++ are the common examples of programming languages.

Icons: -An icon is a small picture on the screen which replaces a written menu option. Each icon represents a particular application.

Icon: An Icon is a small picture representing an item such as piece of software, a file, storage medium or command.

Information: The information is the meaning we attached to data. In other words it is the processed form of data.

Indexing: - (it’s a feature of a word processor)It allows you to highlight words that you would like to use in an index. The word processor keeps a record of the words, and creates an index when instructed to.

Installation: - The process of adding an accessory or software in computer system and making it ready for use.

Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN): it is a service provided by the telecommunications companies that enable ordinary telephone lines to carry digital communications; user does not need separate line for voice, video or data transmission. it requires having an ISDN terminal adopter. It provides the faster way of communication.

Implementation:-The process of converting over a new system in an actual environment.

Job Control Language: A job control language (JCL) is a programming language used for communicating with the operating system. It has control structures just like any other programming language for sequence, selection and iteration.
Key to Disk: A way of inputting data directly into a computer and onto disk by using the keyboard.

Kerning: - The process of adjusting the spacing between the characters.

Key Field: -A key field is a field that may be used to search a file. It is always useful have one field which is unique to a particular records.

Local Area Network (LAN):They are confined to a small area usually within a building or within departments to share the network facilities.
Low-level language(LLL): LLL are the languages that are easy for the computer to understand but more difficult for the programmer to understand.
Menu-driven user interface: This type of user interface produces a list of commands or options available within a program and the user can make a selection by user either a mouse or a keyboard.
Modelling: Its is a model consists of a set of equations which describes the behaviour of a process or object. Computers a re used to solve these equations to carry out the simulations.
3D Model: these are often set up by architects and design engineers to see what finished building or product will look like before it is built or produced.
Modem: Telephone lines were originally designed for speech , which is transmitted in analogue or wave form. In order for digital data to be sent analog a telephone line, it must be converted into analogue form and then converted back at the other end. This is achieved by means of a modem (MOdulator - DEModulator)
Mailbox:- It is a web page from where one can receive and send e-mail to other areas electronically.
Merging:- To combine data or contents of two or more files from two or more different sources, to form a single file.
Multi-access: with multi-access, several users can access and manipulate the single data file from multiple locations, using a time-sharing technique. For example in the Flight Reservation system the flights details database is shared among the different booking agents from different locations.
Multimedia: It is the combination of text and graphics with motion and sound including video, audio, animation and photographs.
Multi Programming/Multiprocessing: -Multiprogramming/Multiprocessing is a process which enables two or more programs/jobs to run, apparently at the same time. The speed of the computer makes it appear as though it is doing two jobs at the same time although what happening is that the computer works on one task for a short period and then on the next is known as multi programming.
In fact the computer can only execute one program at a time. It actually switches b/w hubs giving each in turn a short burst of activity called timesharing.

Microprocessor: - It is a single chip made up of silicon with thousands of tiny electronic components that performs all the functions of a central processing unit (CPU). It contains the ALU, CU and possibly some part of the MU. It is commonly found in micro computers, household appliances and machinery used in industrial processes and manufacturing goods.

Macros: - Macros allow you automatically to produce a sequence of keystrokes so that, for example, you can just press one key or a combination of keys and have your name and address printed at the top of the page. Macros are very useful for things that need to be done repetitively.


Macros are saved actions. These can be grouped together and run as required.

Modification: - It means to make changes, to make amendments or to edit a file.

Networks: a network is a series of computer systems that are linked together so that they are able to share the information and resources such as computing power and storage facilities.
Optical Character Reader (OCR):- It is a method of inputting text or images into the system using a scanner with the help of special software which converts the scanned data into ASCII codes.
Peripheral Devices: These are the devices outside the CPU but under its control. Such as keyboard, mouse, scanner etc.
Process Control: The process of monitoring and controlling of different operations. These can operate through real time system.
Process control: This is the control of machinery or industrial processes by means of a computer. Sensors continually monitor data such as temperature, pressure, composition of substances and so on and the computer reacts accordingly. Thousands of tasks including the operation of a nuclear power station, controlling processes in chemical engineering, monitoring and controlling medical equipment in hospitals and the manufacture of a wide range of goods provide examples of process control.
Protocols: They ensure that each computer behaves predictably and provides information in an understandable way. TCP/IP, FTP are commonly used protocols.
Polling: Polling is a technique for allowing one unit to check the status of another; the first unit checks whether the second is in a certain status, and if it is not, it carries on with what it was doing. In a multi-user system where several terminals are attached to a computer, the terminals may be polled at frequent intervals to ensure a reasonable response time.
Random Access Memory (RAM): RAM is held on a chip but data and programs in RAM are held only temporarily during the processing, which means that the data disappears when the power is switched off. RAM is often called volatile memory.
Random Files: In random files records are stored and accessed randomly. These files have to be stored on the disk. It provides the faster way to access any record randomly
Real-time processing: with real time processing the system is automatically updated when a change is made due to a transaction occurring. The advantage with real-time systems is that the current situation is always being shown. Real-time processing is essential for computer controlled systems such as traffic lights controlling, robots, process controlling (Chemical processes), flight reservations systems, and flight simulators etc.
Read Only Memory (ROM): It is held on a chip and is used to hold data which cannot be changed by the user. Programs are stored on ROM chip by chip manufacturers. ROM is often referred to as non-volatile memory.
Rogue Value: - A rogue value or data terminator is a special value put at the end of a list of data items so that the end of the list can be detected. It is used to terminate a loop or a certain part of a program.
Robots:- A machine or device that can be programmed to carry out some (usually mechanical) process automatically.
Remote sensing: The process where sensors are kept at distance and they send data signals through telephone wires or radio links to a main computer fixed at a remote location. Commonly used in weather forecasting, flood warning systems, pollution monitoring systems, traffic controlling systems etc.
Search engine: A Web search engine is a tool designed to search for information on the World Wide Web. The search results are usually presented in a list and are commonly called hits. The information may consist of web pages, images, information and other types of files.
Sensors: they act as an input device usually used in monitoring and controlling systems to collect the quantities automatically. Such as temperature, light, sound, wind direction, and position etc.
Sequential Files: Records are held and accessed in a certain sequence, accessing these types of files is slow when only one record has to be accessed but if all the records are required then it is very fast.
Smart Card:- A plastic Card which is “intelligent” because it contains its own built-in-microchip, which performs two security functions. First it carries the holder’s identification data and secondly it verifies this data against the PIN code that the card holder enters at a card reading terminal.

Simulations:-Simulations often means creating the model situations or an artificial environment. simulations are useful when, for example, for experiments that would be too difficult, too dangerous, or too costly to carry out.

Sorting:- Arranging the records in a particular order. i-e. Ascending or descending. For instance a list of all pupils in school can be arranged in alphabetical order.

Spooling: Spooling is a technique used to speed up communication between devices, which operate at differing speeds. Output to a printer, for example, may be spooled (written) to a disk, which is a high-speed device. When the printer becomes free, the output will be printed

Spread Sheets:- A spreadsheet consists of a grid of cells into which may be placed text number or formulae. It is used for what…if calculations and producing charts and graphs based on the calculated values.

Teleconferencing: conducting online meetings from remote locations using webcam, speakers and a VDU. It reduces traveling expenses, accommodation charges.
Technical Documentation: It is mainly use for program maintenance. It is necessary for correcting errors at a later stage, modifying the program for new development. It includes flowcharts or algorithms, program code, data dictionary, hardware and software specifications.
Turnaround document: A document produced by a computer, which are subsequently used as input document by the computer. E.g. Gas or Electricity bills
Tailor made software: An organization may write its own customized software or employ an outside company to write it, where application packages are not available.

Templates: - These are used to record certain properties of a document such as its page size, margins, headers(the space at the top) and footers(the space at the bottom).Templates usually also include styles and any standard text that will be included in all documents to be based on them.

User Documentation:- A user guide or manual of a system(application program) that the user can turn to for learning a new procedure or for dealing with a problem that has arisen.
User interface: user interface is what seen on the computer screen when the computer is turned on. It consists of the cursors, prompts, icons, menus, etc. which allows the user to get something done using the computer.
Utility Programs: - A utility program is a program that performs a task, which is often needed (e.g. a short routine or providing a list of files, scan disk, disk defragmenter).
User interface: An interface is a term used to describe the interaction between the user and a computer. In other words, it is a method by which the user tells the computer what to do. It consists on command prompts, windows, menus, icons and pointing devices.
Validation: It is a process of detecting any data that is inaccurate, incomplete or unreasonable. Validation is performed by a computer program. Character type check, range check, format check, presence checks and check digit are the example of validation checks.
Verification: verifications involve checking that what is on the input document is exactly the same as what is entered into the computer. Double entry method and proofreading are commonly used to verify the input data.
Visual Display Units: - VDUs or monitors are almost taken for granted as output devices. They are ideal for showing the results from an enquiry where no hardcopy is needed and modifications can be made immediately.
Virus: viruses are the mischievous programs the purpose of which is to disrupt the sensible use of computers.
A nasty program which copies itself, created to damage your software and sensitive motherboard components.
Virtual Reality: computer technology which creates a simulated multidimensional environment for the user. Commonly used for games, military purposes and flight simulators to provide the training to the new Pilates, to avoid life losses in dangerous experiments.

Voice Recognitions:- It is used to speak directly to the computer. It is mainly used for handicapped people with limited movement. A microphone is the input device for such systems.

Wide Area Network (WAN): it covers a wide geographical area and has no limitations internet is the example of this type network.
WIMP interface: WIMP stands for Windows, Icons, Mouse and pull-down Menus.
Window: A window is an area on the screen through which a particular piece of software or a data file may be viewed
WYSIWYG: - It stands for “what you see is what you get”. You see on the screen exactly what will be printed out.